A hierarchical site structure works for most types of websites, which is also the reason why it is so popular and common. The only downside of this website hierarchy structure is that you need to plan it beforehand and it’s not always easy to make fundamental changes to it later. Sitemap – A well-structured sitemap is a great tool to list all the pages on your site for search engines and visitors. Your website’s top-level navigation bar should contain links to all your main category pages. This is why limiting your primary categories to only what’s necessary is important. Of course, a coherent site structure doesn’t just make things easier for search engine spiders.

Google’s algorithms use data obtained from searchers, like time spent on page, bounce rate, scroll time, etc., to rank sites. Sites with low dwell times and poor CTR always rank lower than websites where users like to stay longer. Logical site structure reduces bounce rates, and increases dwell times. As a result, you get better UX and search rankings all in one. Follow these guidelines to create a website architecture that will satisfy both users and search engines.

Evaluate your categories

Because of the prominent placement, the visibility of these folders and links encourages more visitors to frequent your chosen category pages. Breadcrumb navigation elevates SEO performance because it reinforces information about page hierarchy on your site. It gives Google a well-rounded view of the chain of importance within your site content, which increases its overall accessibility.

what is website structure

As you can see, your main categories are all linked-to directly from your homepage. When designing your website, the safest methods include using HTML and CSS. But JavaScript can make your website more appealing to visitors. The crawler can now render more than 1000 web platform features that it could not before the introduction of the Google Evergreen bot, making SEO simpler.

The Importance Of Website Architecture For SEO

Create a top-level navigation, do internal linking, optimize your URLs to properly structure your website. Website symmetry is essential If a website’s colors, fonts, kernel, graphics, and images are removed, its structure will remain sound. Additionally, the user may be satisfied with the structure’s symmetry. Try to include an equal number of subcategories in each category, and keep the number of categories in your list between 2 and 7. You might write different blog posts about the same subject at different times. You can avoid keyword cannibalization and competing webpages with a well-designed website.

Navigation menus – Naturally, one of the main parts is the navigation menu. It directly leads visitors around your site and connects pages to each other. Better “SEO juice” distribution – Search engines more easily understand what is more and less important on your website so the right pages rank for the right keywords. Improved crawlability – Good site https://globalcloudteam.com/ architecture makes your site easier to crawl, allowing search spiders to discover more pages as well as find new and changed content quicker. Essentially, this is a file that lists all your site’s URLs and specifies how they’re related to each other. The sitemap also includes additional metadata about each URL, such as when it was last modified.

The Database Model

It’s important to keep URLs clear and consistent because Google uses them to understand the hierarchy and structure of your website. Maybe you have a small site and want to include all of your pages in the navigation. Regardless of the complexity of your structure, make sure each page can be easily accessed, in no more than 3 clicks from anywhere on the website. The choice of which structure to use is, of course, yours and we’re going to give you the facts so you can decide which is ideal for you.

  • Website structure and site architecture are based on the same kind of structure we use to organize the table of contents in a book.
  • The architecture of your website is very important for SEO and user experience.
  • These can help you rank higher on search engine results pages , improve your brand’s reputation, and give you a significant SEO advantage.
  • Let’s discuss the necessary navigational elements that will help you connect your pages and make users feel at ease using your website.

A carefully-considered site structure ensures that search engine crawlers and website visitors can easily access all the pages on your site. Breadcrumbs are internal links appearing just above a page’s title, allowing users to track the path they took to that page. Each link along the path is clickable, enabling users to immediately return to a previous page if needed. If you think of your website as a building, internal links are like the hallways and staircases connecting different rooms and levels to one another.

Take inspiration from your competitors’ websites

You can start with a temporary account but won’t be able to save your data. There is a free account available with limited functionality. You might have other pages that make sense to include, and that’s part of planning your site structure.

what is website structure

So in a way, you’ve got a site with a lot of fill-in-the-blank. Step one is making a database that will work with whatever system you choose. Next how to plan a website structure is making a site that can access and utilize that database safely and accurately. A web of the main page and parent pages with sub or child pages.

The 3 most common types of website structures

Most websites supplement their header navigation with a footer. You’ll often see pages such as T&C, privacy policy, and other such boring stuff in there. You can gather the data from the Related terms report by clicking on “terms” or “parent topic” keyword grouping in the sidebar. Search intent and the keyword “pots and pans set” drives more search demand than the keyword “pans”.

what is website structure

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